您的位置: 十周年大会 > JITC > 园区合作项目——淮安盐化工产业园




Cooperation Project of Park——Huaian Salt Chemical Industrial Park

2014821日德国CCB执行总经理 Daniel A. Gottschald(高山)先生一行来到了江苏淮安盐化工产业园,与园区企业及产业园管委会就VCP建设及园区规划建设尤其是园中园-香精香料产业园及高端农药产业园等合作进行了较好沟通并达成了初步合作意向。

The executive general manager of CCB, Mr. Daniel A. Gottschald came to chemical indutrial park in Huaian, Jiangsu province on 21/08/2014, who has carried out well communication and reached a initial cooperative intention with enterprises in park as well as Industry Park Management Committee as regards to  VCP construction and park plan construction especially for park within park-Flavors & Fragrances park and high-end Pesticide Industrial Park